GDS Unity is the Message of AIGDSU 10th AIC
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
Dated 7-12-2018
All Circles/Divisional/ Branch Secretaries of All India Gramin Dak Sevaks’ Union All India Office Bearers
Dear Comrades,
GDS Unity is the Message of AIGDSU 10th AIC
The 10th Biennial Conference of AIGDSU was successfully held from 03-12-2018 to 05-12-2018 at Deopur Dhule, in Balakrishna Mangal Karyalaya Maharastra Circle as scheduled under the president ship of Corn. M. Ranjangam, All India President. The Conference commenced at 10 a.m. on 3-12-18 started with flag hoisting Corn S.S.Mahadevaiah General Secretary hoisted the AIGDSU flag followed by thundering slogan raised by more than 1500 delegates and visitors in the conference.
After the flag hoisting Subject Committee meeting commenced at about 11hrs to discuss the issues placed in the notice by General Secretary. 22 out of 22 circles and 15 out of 15 Central Working Committee Members attended the conference on the very 1st day itself. The President of the conference declared quorum amidst thundering claps of the delegates and visitors. All the proceedings of the conference were recorded officially. One delegate except Circle Secretary from every circle was allowed to speak on the agenda items. 24 delegates from various circles placed their views and ideas not only on the agenda items but also regarding the ensuing indefinite strike from 18-12-18. All the Circle Secretaries, Special invitees and CWC members discussed in length on both agenda and indefinite strike. Some of the Circle Secretaries raised doubts, querries and questions on the struggles, agitations and indefinite strike conducted by AIGDSU previously.
Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah General Secretary gave suitable appropriate scientific reply to the questions and querries raised by some of the Circle Secretaries and CWC members. He urged the August House to having belief in AIGDSU which is the unique recognized union among the GDS Unions in the Department of Posts.
Com. Rajender Prasad Singh working president CHQ(Bihar), Com. Mahender Pratap Singh, Vice president CHQ(M.P) Com. C.B.Mehra Vice President CHQ(Uttrakhand) were felicitated with garlands, shawls and momento on their superannuation for their out standing services to AIGDSU by S.S.Mahadevaiah General Secretary, Com.B.V.Rao, Assistant General Secretary and P.T.Berghe Senior leader Maharashtra. Com. M. Rajangam president who is going to be retired on 30.12.18 and Corn. Duttaram, Vice President CHQ(H.P) who is going to retire shortly, was also felicitated with garland, shawl and moment° for his outstanding services in AIGDSU.
The open session
The open session commenced at about 15:30 hrs on 4-12-18 with Com.Rajender Prasad in Chair. Com. M. Parietal senior leader Maharashtra. Com. P.T. Berghe, Com. Amrutha Lingam former deputy General Secretary AIPEU Gr.0 AITUC Leaders Corn. Arun Mhaske, Corn. V.D. Dhanvate Electrical employees leaders Com. Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah G.S, Com. B.V.Rao Asst. GS, Com. Rajender Prasad Singh working president„ Com. Girnale, Com. Jaiswal C/S AIGDSU Maharastra, Com. Sagwekar, Circle Prsident Maharastra, Com. SK Lalavazer,Wellwisher of AIGDSU and other several other leaders addressed and greeted the conference. The open session ended successfully with vote of thanks of Com. M.D. Ahiri working president CHQ and GS reception committee.
On the 3rd day i.e.., 5-12-18 Com. B.V. Rao Asst. GS explained a elobarately the struggles and strikes of the AIGDSU for achieving justified demand of GDS fraternity. He quoted the various of AIGDSU particularly from 2012 to till date. He also told the endeavour of AIGDSU in preparing Memorandum of each and every issue of GDS to submit the GDS Committee headed by Sri.Kamlesh Chandra committee. Com. B.V.Rao insisting one thing that there is no exaguration to say that more than 80% suggestions of AIGDSU memorandum of has been taken into consideration by Sri. Kamlesh Chandra
Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah GS delivered an inspiring speech and the doubt of the delegates about certain problems regarding RICT, IPPB etc. The house unanimously adopted the resolution placed by the General Secretary S.S.Mahadevaiah
The August house unanimously accepted the following policy and program placed by the Asst. general secretary.
1. Divisional leadership have to conduct meetings in sub offices in the divisions from 9-12-18 to 16-12-18.
2. Conduct mass demonstrations in front of divisional offices from 4 p.m. to 5.p.m. from 14-12-18 to 16-12-18.
3. Make huge propaganda in each and every division regarding indefinite strike through print and electronic media.
4. Conduct candle rally on 17-12-18 evening on divisional head quarters.
Following this all the agenda items completed with due approval of the conference. The elections were democratically and peacefully held and the following office bearers for the next session were elected unanimously.