Clarification regarding accumulation of earned leave from date of regularisation of services retrospectively as per Court Orders.
No. Fin(C) A(3)-1/2014
Dated shimla-2, the 6th July, 2020.
Subject :- Clarification regarding accumulation of earned leave from date of regularisation of services retrospectively as per Court Orders etc.
Th a Undersigned is directed to refer to the subject Cited above and to say that in various cases the services of employees of various Departments have been regularised from the retrospective dates, as a result of Government decision or due to final Court orders with all consequential benefits.
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2. The references are being received in this Department from various quarters seeking clarification as to whether these employees are entitled for the benefit of earned leave from retrospective dates of their regularisation or otherwise. It is clarified that since the benefit of earned leave is not –part of consequential benefits and the said leave is regularised under separate set of rules Le. CCS(Leave Rules). There is no such provision in the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972 to grant the benefit of earned leave from the retrospective date, therefore, in such cases where the services of employees are regularised from the retrospective date, as a result of Government decision or due to final Court orders with all consequential benefits, the benefit of accumulation of earned leave from the retrospective due to regularisation in service from the back date is not admissible.
3. These orders may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Deputy Secretary(Finance) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.