Implementation of BSNL VRS 2019 – smooth and timely settlement of pension cases
(A Govt. of india Enterprise)Corporate Office
Pension Section, 5th floor
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
H.C. Mathur Lane
New Delhi-110001
No.48-13/2019-Pen (B)
Dated: 06-11-2019
All Heads of Circles/Telecom Districts/ Regions/Projects/
Telecom Stores/Telecom Factories & Other Administrative Offices
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
Sub : Implementation of BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 2019 — Augmentation of staff strength in Pension Cells in Circles and other administrative units for smooth and timely settlement of pension cases.
I am directed to invite your kind attention to this office letter no. 1-15/2009-PAT (BSNL) dated 04.11.2019 regarding introduction and implementation of BSNL Voluntary Retirement Scheme, 2019.
2. As per the said scheme, employees aged 50 years or above are eligible to opt for voluntary retirement w.e.f. 31.01.2020 and it is expected that a sizable number of eligible employees would be opting for voluntary retirement under the scheme. Consequently, the workload of the pension settlement units in circles and other administrative units are expected to increase manifold. Moreover, some of the eligible employees who are presently posted in pension settlement units may also opt for voluntary retirement under the scheme. It would, therefore, be necessary to arrange for suitable substitutes for such employees for maintaining continuity.
3. In view of above, you are requested to ensure posting of suitable and sufficient number of Executives/Non-Executives in sections handling pension settlement in Circle/SSAat the earliest, so that the newly posted employees could be accustomed with the nature of work and pension cases can be processed and settled in timely manner.
Yours faithfully,
(Sheo Shankar Prasad)
Dy. General Manager (Estt.-l)