HomeCGELeave during Parliament Session: Dept of Posts Instructions

Leave during Parliament Session: Dept of Posts Instructions

Leave during Parliament Session: Dept of Posts Instructions

F. No. 1-6/2022-SPG
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts

DatedL 28.01.2025

Subject: Instructions regarding leave during Parliament Session-reg.

This is for the information of all concerned that the first part of the 4th Session of 18th Lok Sabha and 267th Session of Rajya Sabha (January-April-2025) will commence from Friday, the 31st January, 2025 and is likely to conclude on Thursday, the 13th February, 2025. The second part of the session will commence on Monday, the 10th March, 2025 and is likely to be concluded on Friday the 4th April, 2025.

2. In view of above, all Heads of Circles are requested to plan their leave either during the recess period of the session or after conclusion of the forthcoming Session of Parliament as far as possible.

3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Copy forwarded to:

  1. PSO to Secretary Posts/PPS to Director General Postal Services.
  2. Sr. PPS/PS to all Members Postal Services Board.
  3. All CPMsG/Sr. DDG & CVO)/ CGM (PLI)/ CGM (Parcel).
  4. Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad.
  5. Addl. DG, APS.
  6. All DDsG (through eOffice portal)
  7. GM, CEPT Mysore for uploading on India Post website.
  8. SO (Admn) with a request to upload this OM in eOffice portal.
  9. Guard file.

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