HomeMACPMACPS for Central Government Employees

MACPS for Central Government Employees

MACPS for Central Government Employees

No.35034/3/2008-Estt. (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi, the 19th May, 2009



The Sixth Central Pay Commission in Para 6.1.15 of its report, has recommended Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS). As per the recommendations, financial upgradation will be available in the next higher grade pay whenever an employee has completed 12 years continuous service in the same grade. However, not more than two financial upgradations shall be given in the entire career, as was provided in the previous Scheme. The Scheme will also be available to all posts belonging to Group “A” whether isolated or not. However, organised Group “A” services will not be covered under the Scheme

2.The Government has considered the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission for introduction of a MACPS and has accepted the same with further modification to grant three financial upgradations under the MACPS at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 years of continuous regular service .

3.The Scheme would be known as “MODIFIED ASSURED CAREER PROGRESSION. SCHEME (MACPS) FOR THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. This Scheme is in supersession of previous ACP Scheme and clarifications issued there under and shall be applicable to all regularly appointed Group “A”, “B”, and “C” Central Government Civilian Employees except officers of the Organised Group “A” Service. The status of Group “D” employees would cease on their completion of prescribed training, as recommended by the Sixth Central Pay Commission and would be treated as Group “C” employees. Casual employees, including those granted `temporary status’ and employees appointed in the Government only on adhoc or contract basis shall not qualify for benefits under the aforesaid Scheme. The details of the MACP Scheme and conditions for grant of the financial upgradation under the Scheme are given in Annexure-1.

4. An Screening Committee shall be constituted in each Department to consider the case for grant of financial upgradations under the MACP Scheme. The Screening Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and two members. The members of the Committee shall comprise officers holding posts which are at least one level above the grade in which the MACP is to be considered and not below the rank of Under Secretary equivalent in the Government. The Chairperson should generally be a grade above the members of the Committee.

5.The recommendations of the Screening Committee shall be placed before the Secretary in cases where the Committee is constituted in the Ministry/Department or before the Head of the organisation/competent authority in other cases for approval.

6.In order to prevent undue strain on the administrative machinery, the Screening Committee shall follow a time-schedule and meet twice in a financial year – preferably in the first week of January and first week of July of a year for advance processing of the cases maturing in that half. Accordingly, cases maturing during the first-half (April-September) of a particular financial year shall be taken up for consideration by the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of January. Similarly, the Screening Committee meeting in the first week of July of any financial year shall process the cases that would be maturing during the second-half (October-March) of the same financial year.

7.However, to make the MACP Scheme operational, the Cadre Controlling Authorities shall constitute the first Screening Committee within a month from the date of issue of these instructions to consider the cases maturing upto 30th June, 2009 for grant of benefits under the MACPS.

8.In so far as persons serving in The Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

9.Any interpretation/clarification of doubt as to the scope and meaning of the
provisions of the MACP Scheme shall be given by the Department of Personnel and Training (Establishment-D). The scheme would be operational w.e.f. 01.09.2008. In other words, financial upgradations as per the provisions of the earlier ACP Scheme (of August, 1999) would be granted till 31.08.2008.

10.No stepping up of pay in the pay band or grade pay would be admissible with. regard to junior getting more pay than the senior on account of pay fixation under MACP Scheme.

11. It is clarified that no past cases would be re-opened. Further, while implementing the MACP Scheme, the differences in pay scales on account of grant of financial upgradation under the old ACP Scheme (of August 1999) and under the MACP Scheme within the same cadre shall not be construed as an anomaly.

(S.Jainendl Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India



1.There shall be three financial upgradation s under the MACPS, counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years service respectively. Financial upgradation under the Scheme will be admissible whenever a person has spent 10 years continuously in the same grade-pay.

2.The MACPS envisages merely placement in the immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in Section 1 , Part-A of the first schedule of the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. Thus, the grade pay at the time of financial upgradation under the MACPS can, in certain cases where regular promotion is not between two successive grades, be different than what is available at the time of regular promotion. In such cases, the higher grade pay attached to the next promotion post in the hierarchy of the concerned cadre/organisation will be given only at the time of regular promotion.

3.The financial upgradation s under the MACPS would be admissible up-to the highest grade pay of Rs. 12000/ in the PB-4.

4.Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradation under the Scheme. Therefore, the pay shall be raised by 3% of the total pay in the pay band and the grade pay drawn before such upgradation. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion if it is in the same grade pay as granted under MACPS. However, at the time of actual promotion if it happens to be in a post carrying higher grade pay than what is available under MACPS, no pay fixation would be available and only difference of grade pay would be made available. To illustrate, in case a Government Servant joins as a direct recruit in the grade pay of Rs. 1900 in PB-1 and he gets no promotion till completion of 10 years of service, he will be granted financial upgradation under MACPS in the next higher grade pay of Rs. 2000 and his pay will be fixed by granting him one increment plus the difference of grade pay (i.e. Rs. 100). After availing financial upgradation under MACPS, if the Government servant gets his regular promotion in the hierarchy of his cadre, which is to the grade of Rs. 2400, on regular promotion, he will only be granted the difference of grade pay between Rs. 2000 and Rs. 2400. No additional increment will be granted at this stage.

5.Promotions earned/upgradations granted under the ACP Scheme in the past to those grades which now carry the same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradations of posts recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission shall be ignored for the purpose of granting upgradations under Modified ACPS.

Signed Copy (English)

Signed Copy (Hindi)



  1. Sir, I have joined on 20.12.96 as L.D.C. I am given ad hoc promotion as U.D.C. (1) 1.4.11 to 30.6.11 – 91 days, (2) 26.7.11 to 22.10.11 – 89 days, (3) 01.11.11 to 28.1.12 – 89 days, (4) 15.2.12 to 13.5.12 – 89 days and (5) 22.5.12 to 18.8.12 – 89 days and regular UDC promotion given by the department on 15.6.2012 with G.P. Rs.2400/-, no financial benefits. Kindly clarify whether (1) I am given adhoc fixation benefits or not and also (2) provide any order I am render adhoc UDC service 01.04.11 to 30.06.11 – 91 days I am eligible for regular U.D.C. post, when the post is exist in the department. (3) whether any orders issued by ministry more than 90 days services render are eligible for the regular basis with financial benefits. Kindly provide me above mentioned information by e-mail at the earliest.

    Thanking you.
    Mobile no. 09913803078.

  2. Sir,I have joined Doordarshan Department on 31st January 1990 as Engineerig Assistant. My first promotion on 19th November 2005 (After 15 years)as Senior Engineering Assistant. Kindly mention my eligible MACP as early.

  3. Sir, I have jointed in november 1988 and my friend has joined in 1991 in the same post and grade. i got two promotions and my friend got one promotion. the second promotion we both got at the same time in the 5400 GP, in the year 2007. our ISRO department has given 6600 GP to my friend with effect from 2001 after completion of 20 years. he is 3 years junior to me. but i am still in 5400 GP only. it is natural justice… whether can i get any stepup equal to my friend. a most junior got more pay than me. i have promoted on merit basis for first promotion. where as he has not. what is the use of joing before three year. what is the weitage to the service rendered extra three years. I request you sir, kindly see the rule position and advise me how to approach the dept for getting the same GP or to step up my pay. Vijaya Bhasker.ISRO

  4. Sir, kindly refer my e mail dated 8th November,2013 i am awaiting to receive your clarification and guidance direction in my MACP case as Can i ask my office for CR copies of mine since 2005 under RTI as i want to see and get satisfied with remarks given by my officer and not inform me about adverse remarks for all these years. I got all earlier promotions on my fitness DPC and departmental examination. Earlier two promotions as UDC in 1988 and Asst. in the year 1991 and i have been working as asstt. since 1991 and i have been denied MACP on account of bench mark i do not know from which year my office has considered my CR for MACP as scheme came in the year 1-8-2009 and i have succeed in getting two promotions within 7 years ie. 1991 since than i am working as assistant when my MACP applicable to me and what is benchmark system applicable to me or not and from which year i have given RTI application to my office for CR copies since 2005 to see any adverse remarks as office has not inform me about my not getting MACP till today.

  5. I have joined autonomous body which is working under Ministry of Culture Govt. of India I have joined on 11.10.1984 and I got first promotion on 19.11.1988as after appearing departmental exam I have passed in written examination and interview I got second promotion on 18th Feb 1991as Asstt F&A till the date I m struggling to get my MACPS i m not much aware of this MACPS as I haven not received any letter or intimation about my MACPS or why I have not given MACPS i heard that my case was first considered in the year 2009-10 and 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 and my case was rejected on basis of CR and it s benchmark system where as i m Assistant since 18-2-91the scheme introduced in the year 1-9-2008 my office has not inform me anything about my previous CR or any adverse remarks on previous years CR since 1992 i am really helpless what is the benchmark system from which year the benchmark system to be adopted as i am already in this post from 1991 my present pay grade 4600. Please be kind enough to support me by giving clarification in this regard to enable to get my MACPS as per rule. Please commmunicate and i felt i m victimized kindly do the needful in this regard.

  6. I was appointed as chowkidar in april 1983 and promoted as LDC in May 1993, again promoted as Accountant in Feb’2002 and again promoted as Senior Accountant in April 2006 in the scale 9300-34000 with grade pay 4200/-.All the promotion are given to me on the seniorty-cum-fitness basis. Please intimate, whether I am eligible for MACP Scheme or not

  7. I was appointed as chowkidar in april 1983 and promoted LDC in May 1993, again promoted as Accountant in Feb’2002 and again promoted as Senior Accountant in April 2006 in the scale 9300-34000 with grade pay 4200/-. Please intimate, whether I am eligible for MACP Scheme or not.

  8. I have been appointed as Asst.Programmer during Sep-1988 in the scale of Pay:1640-2900. Later during Jul-97 I have been promoted to post of Programmer carrying scale of pay : 7500-xxxxx. Under MACPS or ACPS am I eligible for MACP. If so from which date and what grade pay. There is no higher post available in our organization

  9. shah
    31dec, 2012 at 4:53 AM
    I was appointed as LDC in the year 1990 in the month of April. ACP was sanctioned to me after completion of 12 years in the year 2002 in pay scale 4500-7000. I was offered promotion to the post of UDC during the year 2010, but i had not accepted the promotion. Again the 2011 I was offered promotion , but again i had not accepted. MACP was sanctioned in 2011 Oct in pay band 9300-34000 and GRADE pay 4200/-. Kindly clarify whether I am eligible for 3rd MACP scheme and intimate what’s pay band in LDC cadre in MACP 5200-17000 or 9300-34000
    Ram Chandr

  10. Sir,
    I was appointed as Draftsman grade-3 in the pay scale of 330-560 as on 03/07/1982 and pay scale was revised to 4000-6000 in 5th pay commission as on 01/01/1996.After that i got promotion in draftsman grade-2 in pay scale of 5000-8000 as on 27/06/1997 and second ACP of 24 years was given to me as on 03/07/2006 in the pay scale of 5500-9000. after that in 6th pay commission i was put in pay scale of 9300-34800 with grade pay 4200 but as on 03/07/2006 after 24 years my grade pay was not changed.now i have completed 30 years as on 03/07/2012, now my case is to be considered and are likely to be sent for upgradation ACP/MACP. i am now estimator civil/ sr. draftsman and our department now has also merged the post of grade-1 and grade-2 and grade-3 has also revised designation as draftsman and after that promotion is sr. draftsman(i.e draftsman grade-1 and grade-2)and after that promotion is chief estimator
    kindly tell me what may be maximum beneficial/ befitting grade pay for me??
    reply me at pawan88sharma@gmail.com

  11. recently my junior got macp in grade pay of Rs. 4800/- She has completed 30 years of service. I am granting grade pay of Rs. 4600/-. She is too much junior to me. how is it possible ?

  12. i have joined as junior technical officer in 2002 with pay scale of 5000-8000( gp-4200) and as per our PPM we have to be promoted after 8 years -2010 but due to some administartive issues that was not happen.
    2012 our office has constituted DPC & macp to gether
    please advice what will be our scale of pays and benfits



    ABIDS, HYDERABAD-500 001.
    MOB 09912597840

  14. I joined BIS in August 1985 as Assistant Director. In April 1992 I was promoted to Duputy Director. Thereafter there is no promotion as there is no promotional avenue. after 5th pay commission I was in 10000-325-15200 scale. After implementation of 6th pay commission and subsequentally introduction of MACP, I got Rs 7600 as grade pay. I will be completing 20 years in April 2012 since I got first promotion in April 1992.

    My query is that when I will get 3rd financial upgrade of GP Rs 8700/

  15. This office is considering grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme to Assistant Directors(QA) (Gr-II) working in Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals. Please clarify as to whether the Assistant Directors(QA) (Gr.II) who are already in receipt of the grade pay of Rs.5400/- as 2nd financial up-gradation under old ACP Scheme are eligible for grant the grade pay of Rs.6600/- as 3rd financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme.

  16. I was appointed as DPA-A in 1991 in the grade of 5500-…. and after that i got adhoc promotion as DPA-B in the grade of 6500-… in 1996.There was no break and without break my adhoc promotion was went on and in the yr 2005 i got permnant promotion. Now my office is giving me acp from yr 2010. Please tell me whether it correct or tell me what will be pay fixation in MACP scheme.

  17. I was apponited as – AC./Taipist date of Joining 23-07-1988 bacik pay 4000- 6000
    1 ACp – 12 year acp 4500 Gerd pay 2800
    What will be the pay fixation in ACP/MACP per scheme.

  18. I was appointed as LDC in the year 1990 in the month of April. ACP was sanctioned to me after completion of 12 years in the year 2002. I was offered promotion to the post of UDC during the year 2008, but i had not accepted the promotion. Again the 2011 I was offered promotion , but again i had not accepted. Kindly clarify whether I am eligible for MACP scheme

  19. I was appointed as DPA-A in 1991 in the grade of 5500-…. and after that i got adhoc promotion as DPA-B in the grade of 6500-… in 1996.There was no break and without break my adhoc promotion was went on and in the yr 2005 i got permnant promotion. Now my office is giving me acp from yr 2010. Please tell me whether it correct or tell me what will be pay fixation in MACP scheme.

  20. I was appointed as LDC in 1990 in the grade of Rs. 1200-4000 Personal and after that I got promotion in the same grade w.e.f. 2.2.2002. What will be the pay fixation in MACP scheme


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