New Kendriya Vidyalaya in Bandel Railway Colony, Hooghly
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 016
F. 11029-6/2013-KVS HQ(Admn-I)/Vol-II
Date : 31.03.2017
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan vide office-order of even number dated 04.03.2014, conveyed approv1 of Government of India, for establishing 54 new Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil Sector with the stipulation that the sponsoring authority concerned is required to transfer the identified and demarcated land and also to give possession of the same to KVS prior to opening of the new Kendriya Vidyalaya. Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bandel Railway Colony, District Hooghly, West Bengal is one of these 54 new Kendriya Vidyalayas sanctioned.
Since the land in the matter of this Kendriya Vidyalaya has been leased in favour of Kendriya Vidyalaya concerned, sanction of the Commissioner, KVS is hereby conveyed to start a new Kendriya Vidyalaya under Civil Sector w.e.f. 01.04.2017, at the following location:
S.No. | Name of Kendriya Vidyalaya | Kendriya Vidyalaya will be made functional at: |
1 | Bandel Railway Colony, District Hooghly | C/o Building No. 5, Ambagan Colony, Bandel, Distt. Hooghly, Pin: 712123, West Bengal |
The above Vidyalaya will start functioning from class I to V ( single section in each class) during the academic year 2017-18 and thereafter will grow consequently based on feasibility.
The admission process may be completed within 30 days from the date of issue of his order.
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)
Respected sir/madam,
I want to know recruitment process of your school ,I am MA in Geography from Ranchi University, andB Ahon’s in Geography and 10+2 done from Kendriya Vidyalaya ,Ranchi. I have also teaching experienced certificate ,I am interested in teaching in your school
So please give me the opportunity to do job in your school.
Thanking you,
I shall Wait for your reply ,
I want to know about the admission process of class 4. I work for a private organisation.
Pls let me know the details regarding admission.
I’ wanted to know when the admission will start.what age requirement for admission.i have a daughter age 3 year 10 month.
I am service in Indian Army. Now i posting in j&k. I want know that 12 th std is available in your school.
Anamika Bhattacharya says
June 12, 2017 at 12:52 pm
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I want to know recruitment process of teachers for this school. I am M.A. in Hindi and graduation background is Hist. Edu. and Hindi .I have also teaching experienced certificate and I am interested in teaching job in this school. I shall wait for your reply.
Thank you,
Anamika Bhattacharya
Anamika Bhattacharya says
June 12, 2017 at 12:52 pmpm
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I want to know recruitment process of teachers for this school. I am M.A. in Hindi and graduation background is Hist. Edu. and Hindi .I have also teaching experienced certificate and I am interested in teaching job in this school. I shall wait for your reply.
Thank you,
Anamika Bhattacharya
I am a H. S. pass student with 52% marks and d. el. ed. trainee with first class, I want to joined as a contratual teacher for I-IV.
Now, I want to know the process of recruitement and how to engaged with this job……………. please tell
Wants to know the process of admission in class 1 and also wants to know that non central government employees son be the eligible for the admission?pls reply.
With regards
…. Arpita Chatterjee
Respected sir I am Subasish kumar Nandi (M.A.(Eng) B Ed . I have 15 years of teaching experience in CBSE SCHOOL.
.May I offer my candidature for TGT ENG.
Want to know the recruitment process of teachers for this school. I am M.A in geography. And also i am interested in teaching job in this school. I shall wait for your reply. Thank you.
I Rohit Kumar Paswan father of Kajal Kumari (Form No.- 587 class-V) & Akash Kumar (Form No.- 856 class- III) want to know the rectification of my category from cat-V to cat- I, l have already applied for rectification of my category on 06/05/17 because my category is wrongly mentioned in cat- V(SC) on 05/05/17 while I’m the Railway Employee of C & W Workshop Eastern Railway, Liluah.I’m also belong to SC. Category.
So I request you to please rectify my category and give chance to admission of my children in KVS,Bandel Railway Colony
Please reply as soon as possible.
I want information about admission in class – I, my son’s age is now 5+, please give detail about admission procedure as soon as possible.
Admission procedure as per KV Rules, Please check in KV offical website for adminssion rules
I want information about the admission process and minimum age required for a candidate will be admitted to standard-I. My daughter is presently 5+, is she eligible to admit class-I this year? Is there any future provision to admit in corresponding class as per age stipulated?
Respected sir,
I had completed my P.G in environmental science from DAV collage Kanpur if is there any vacancy of teacher please inform me .
Thanking you.
Jayanta Bandyopadhyay
April 26, 2017 at 3.05 PM
I want the information about the admission process as well as the age to be required for the candidate etc. I want to admit my single daughter.
Reply as early as possible.
I want to know recruitment process in this school. I am M.Com from Burdwan university and B.Ed. from Kurushetra university. I am also CTET part 2 qualified. I am interested in teaching job in this school. I shall wait for your reply.
I want the information about the admission process, the actual age to be required for the candidate, fees structure, session etc. I want to admit my daughter.
Reply as early as possible.
Want to know the recruitment process of teacher for this school. I am MA Bengali & History both in burdwan university. I am interested in teaching job in this school.
Want to know the recruitment process of teacher for this school..I am M.Sc(physiology),B.. Ed.I am interested in teaching job in this school.
Want to know the recruitment process of teachers for this school. I am M.Sc. B.Ed,working in a W.B Govt. Sponsored for 7 years and interested in teaching job in this school.