S. No. 26 – Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed exservicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to commissioned officers to personnel below officers rank also.
Establishment Division in their comments dated 28.03.2017 had stated that:
(i) The first issue relates to pay fixation on re-employment in Civil Services and Public Sector Banks, etc. D/o Financial Services (DoFS) is stated to have clarified that pay fixation of ex-servicemen would be through protection of pay plus D.A. drawn by them at the time of release from the Armed forces. DoFS orders provide that in addition to the pay fixed on re-employment, pension and other retirement benefits would also be allowed.
(ii) Establishment Division has clarified to D/o Posts that initial pay on re-employment in case of ex-servicemen who had held posts below Commissioned Officers and civilians, below Group-A, shall be fixed as per the entry pay in the revised pay structure of the re-employed posts applicable in the case of direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2006.
(iii) Staff-Side says there is a contradiction in the two clarifications and, as a result of the ambiguity, one section has benefited (Personnel who are covered under the instructions of DoFS) while others are not (Personnel who are covered under the instructions of DoPT).
JS(E) stated that they had received a number of grievances and the Department of Welfare of Ex-Serviceman had lso raised this issue. Presently there are two formulations for pay fixation of ex-servicemen — one for Group A posts and another for others — which is not an ideal situation. It was stated that the issue is under active consideration and a decision is likely shortly.
{Action: Establishment Division (DoPT)}
kindly clarify that, these rules are applicable to all re employed service men in state govt too. Will these rules applicable to A P State government employees. Kindly give/send me available references. I am state govt employee in AP State. I am awaiting and guidance from you. please…………………..