HomeCGERevision of CGHS Rate for rt PCR Test for COVID-19

Revision of CGHS Rate for rt PCR Test for COVID-19

Z 15025/18/2020/DIR/CGHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 10th June , 2020.


Sub: Revision of CGHS Rate for rt PCR Test for COVID-19

In view of the current Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19) Pandemic , all out efforts are made by the Government to contain its impact by instituting measures at community as well as at individual level.

2. In this regard attention is drawn to the earlier Office memorandum No S-11011/20/2020/Addl. DDG(HQ) dated the 21st April, 2020 vide which CGHS rate has been prescribed for COVID 19 Test . The matter has been reviewed and the undersigned is directed to state that it is now decided in supersession of the earlier orders that the CGHS rate for rt PCR test for COVID-19 shall be as per the rate prescribed by I.C.M.R. or the rate prescribed for the State by the concerned State Government or actual, whichever may be lower.

Also ReadRevision of CGHS Rate for rt PCR Test for COVID-19

The private hospitals /Laboratories empanelled under CGHS and approved for undertaking the test shall perform the investigation after the same has been advised as per the prevalent ICMR protocols by any Specialists of Government Hospital/Centre / Private empanelled hospital / Medical Officer of CGHS.

3. The other terms and conditions prescribed in OM No S-11011/20/2020/Addl. DDG(HQ) dated the 21st April, 2020 remain unchanged.

(Dr. Sanjay Jain )
Director, CGHS

Signed copy



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