Revision of limits of two family pensions payable to a child in respect of both the parents after the 7th CPC – R.B.E. No. 19/2021 – Dated 09.03.2021
R.B.E. No. 19/2021
No. 2016/F{E)lll/1(1)/8
New Delhi, dated: 09.03.2021
The GMs/Principal Financial Advisors,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units (etc),
(As per mailing list)
Sub :- Revision of limits of two family pensions payable to a child in respect of both the parents after the 7th CPC – regarding.
A copy of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M. No.1/1 (2)/2020- P&PW{E) Part-I dated 12.02.2021 is enclosed for information and guidance . These instructions shall apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways also. The Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 corresponds to the Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993.
- The Railway Board’s instructions/Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 corresponding to DOP&PW’s instructions/CCS (Pension) Rules. 1972 referred to in their aforesaid O.M. dated 12.02.2021 are given below:-
SI.No. | DOP&PW’s instructions / Central Civil Services {Pension) Rules, 1972 | Corresponding Railway Board’s instructions / Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 |
1. | Sub-rule (2) of Rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. | Sub-rule (2) of Rule 75 of Railway Services Pension) Rules, 1993. |
2 . | Sub-rule (3) of Rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. | Sub-rule (4) of Rule 75 of Railway Services ‘Pension) Rules, 1993. |
3 . | DOP&PW’s Notification No. 38/80/2008- P&PW(A) dated 08.06.2011. | Railway Board’s letter No. 2011/F(E)lll/1 ( 1)/9 dated 23.09.2013. |
(G.Priya Sudarsani),
Director, Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board