Second Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACPS
NO. 11/1/2010-JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel , Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(JCA Section)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 6th October, 2010
Subject:- Record Note of the Second Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACPS held under the Chairmanship of the Joint Secretary(E), DOPT on 15th September, 2010.
The undersigned is directed to enclose herewith Record Note of the Second Meeting of the Joint Committee on MACPS held under the Chairmanship of the Joint Secretary (Establishment), DOPT on 15’~ september, 2010 for information and further necessary action.
(Dinesh Kapila)
Director (JCA)
The second meeting of the Joint Committee constituted to examine the anomalies pertaining to the MACP scheme was held under the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Estt.) Department of Personnel & Training on 15th September, 2010. All the members of the Committee were present in the meeting. In addition, Ms Urvilla Khati, Executive Director, Ministry of Railways was also present.
2. The Chairperson welcomed the representatives of the Official Side and the Staff Side and referred to the first meeting of the Joint Committee held on 25th May, 2010. The staff side was informed that clarifications had since been issued with regard to item numbers 4 & 7 which were discussed during the first meeting of the Joint Committee. She also informed that item No.6 stood transferred to the agenda of the National Anomaly Committee. The staff side was also informed that many of the 57 agenda items submitted by them represented common issues and therefore, similar items had been clubbed together for the present meeting.
3. Thereafter, the three options submitted by the staff side during the first meeting of the Joint Committee with respect to agenda item number 1 and other similar items regarding grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy were discussed. The official side expressed its inability to agree to any of the options suggested by the staff side. The official side stated that the Government has already improved upon the recommendations of the 6th CPC regarding MACPS and therefore, any further improvement in the same may not be feasible.
4. Thereafter, agenda items were taken up. A statement indicating gist of the decisions taken on the agenda items is enclosed.
5. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
I joined the service in the year 2000 as regular employee as LDC pay scale 3050-75-100 and again selected for the post of Medical Record Tech in the 2005 for pay scale 4000-100-125 I completed 10 years of service on 2015, I got 1st TBP with grade pay of 2800 please clarify that my 1st time bond year 2010 or 2015
I joined my department in the year 1989 as regular emploee.I again selected in direct recruitment through dsssb in higher pay scale in the year 1998 in the same department.Pl clarify the MACP upgradation in service, whether, it will be 1st upgradation or 2nd upgradation in MACP scheme
I joined Indian Air Force as Stenographer during Mar 76. Completed 20 and 30 years of service without refusing any promotion as on Mar 96 and Mar 06 respectively. However, refused promotion during Nov 07. I have been denied two financial upgradations by the department. Mine is a merged case as I am working as Steno Gde-I (5500-9000 pre revised) which is merged with Steno Gde-II (5000-8000 pre revised. Please clarify if I am entitle for 2nd or 3rd financial upgradation.