Message from Teachers Recruitment Board
Date : 25-06-2010
Teachers Recruitment Board issued notification vide Advertisement No. 4/2010 dated 29.03.2010 invited applications from eligible candidates for the direct recruitment of 1024 posts of Assistant professors in Various subjects during 2009-2010 in Government Arts and Science Colleges in the state. The last date for receipt of applications was fixed as 23.04.2010. Certification Verification was already conducted for 7842 eligible candidates on 7-6-2010, 8-6-2010, 9-6-2010 & 10-6-2010.
The application of the ineligible candidates was scrutinized by the subject experts and recommended to consider applications with Ph.D / NET / SLET qualification for Phase II Certificate Verification.
The Phase II Certificate Verification will be conducted on 30-6-2010 in the following Government Arts & Science Colleges
1) The Presidency College, Chennai – 2
2) Quaid-e-millat Govt.Arts College for Women, Chennai – 2.
3) Institute of Advanced Study in Education (Autonomous), Saidapet, Chennai – 600 015.
The Board has already despatched call letters to all eligible candidates
through registered post. Candidates who are not in receipt of the Certificate Verification call letter, but their names were found in the list can also attend Certificate Verification by taking a printout copy from this website in which their names, roll No, date of Certificate Verification and venue details are readily available. The details of the candidate may be verified in the following format.
The candidates are hereby informed that they have been called for Certificate Verification only based on the particulars furnished by them in their applications. The particulars furnished in their application will be verified with reference to the cut of date 23.04.2010 prescribed in the notification.
Mere attending of Certificate Verification will not guarantee for either selection or appointment. Candidates are warned canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.