7th CPC on MACP – NFIR Statement
National Federation of Indian Railways
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110 055
Reacting to the news item appearing in ‘The Hindu’ of 04th October 2016 relating to the acceptance of the recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission on Modified Assured Career Progress Scheme (MACPS) and the DoP&T OM dated 27th/28th September 2016, the General Secretary said that while the Government has wrongly accepted the recommendation, at the same time has been spreading wrong news through the media. He said that the Scheme has been existing since 1st September 2008 and is not a new scheme as claimed by the Government.
Dr.Raghavaiah further said that while accepting the 7th CPC recommendations relating to the MACP Scheme for Central Government employees, the Government has totally ignored the agreement reached with the JCM (Staff Side) on 17/07/2012 and 27/07/2012 in the Joint Committee and National Advisory Committee Meetings wherein agreement was reached to maintain the same benchmark as is applicable for filling the vacancies through promotion by selection/non-selection/fitness instead of insisting upon the benchmark ‘Very Good’ recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission. Thereafter, the DoP&T vide OM dated 01st November 2010 and 04th October 2012 issued necessary instructions for granting MACP to the Central Government employees.
The Federation takes note that the Government while accepting the 7th CPC recommendations relating to financial upgradation under MACP Scheme to its employees has again taken U-turn and had once again fixed the benchmark ‘Very Good’ arbitrarily for granting financial upgradation mainly to deny the legitimate benefit to its employees without any dialogue with JCM (Staff Side) – the machinery setup to deal with the issues of Central Government employees which is totally unjustified.
The Federation strongly opposes the move of the Government for which communications have already been sent by the Federation twice to the Cabinet Secretary on 2nd August and 23rd August 2016 to respect the bilateral agreement reached with the JCM (Staff Side) and restore the decision given vide DoP&T OM dated 01/ll/20l0 and 04/10/2012 without making any change on the settled issue.
The General Secretary, NFIR hopes that the Government would consider the above points and rectify the mistake soon duly restoring the earlier instructions of DoP&T to honor the commitment made to the Staff Side.
04th October 2016
(Dr. M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR
It is also another example of the media nowadays picking up any ‘dung’ granted in place of ‘normal food’ by Govt of India and colouring it as ‘nectar’!
So far, almost all the National JCM members including the Secretary General interpreted the pay commission report on MACP and its acceptance was in promotional hierarchy only. It is available in black and white. The websites of COC had also interpreted likewise. However, the no response or lukewarm response of few of the National JCM members on the DoPT order dt 27/28 Sept on the MACP; which is blatant violation of rights and further seizure of the existing privileges.
It seems, apparently, the priority of these leaders has become the ‘Very Good’ factor only (due to the crab culture?) Hence, hardly any difference from the anti-employee stand of Govt!
The fight of the JCM through the National Anomaly Committee and Anomaly sub committee on this issue of MACP and leaving it half way had also created confusion and doubt on the sincerity of the JCM members. It was Com Raghavaiah himself who published the minutes of the meeting in favour of a he decision arrived in favour of promotional hierarchy in the Anomaly sub committee on MACP issue. The employees throughout the country were never explained what happened to such decision!
That time only, few in the National JCM came under cloud.
The Seventh CPC, beyond doubt clarified in its report that it has modified the existing MACP to have more gain or progression.
While going through the para 1.19 of Seventh CPC “The MACP scheme has been further modified. It is expected that the present formulation will address the widespread dissatisfaction prevailing in the earlier system, in which the gain or progression through the MACP was considered inadequate.”
Further in the proceeding para 4.1.17 it is re emphasised.
How can the present order of DoPT going to give more gain or progression under the modified MACP scheme?
Further in para 5.1.12 e, the CPC discussed in detail and acknowledged the reasons for dissatisfaction and shortcomings also due to the GP hierarchy progression.
(It is a fact that after the pay matrix system the actual benefit on promotions are reduced and limited only to the 3% , ie lesser than the difference in GP+3% after Sixth CPC . Moreover, it introduced further riders! Hence the recommendation of the CPC if concluded and interpreted in mere level hierarchy and not functional role hierarchy, it may be mere contradiction and absurdity only!)
In 5.1.21 it defined “The pay matrix comprises two dimensions. It has a “horizontal range” in which each level corresponds to a ‘functional role in the hierarchy’ (given in bold letters) and has been assigned the numbers 1, 2, and 3 and so on till 18”
(The level is defined as ‘functional role in the hierarchy’ only and the seventh CPC here clarify the level and hierarchy too. Also it can without ambiguity be seen that when it quote ‘the hierarchy’ it refers to functional role only (like the real dictionary meaning is also generally used for that purpose only) and has not mentioned anywhere in the report that it is in in the hierarchy of levels as in the pay matrix table.
Further it stated that in para 5.1.23 “When the employee receives a promotion or a non-functional financial upgrade, he/she progresses one level ahead on the horizontal range.”
(Here also it can be seen that when it mentions the levels here , it is only next functional role only, as in promotion, it is not always to the next level in the pay matrix.)
In para 5.1.24, again it states that “…an employee who does not have any promotional prospects in his cadre will be able to traverse through at least three levels (given in bold letters) solely by means of assured financial progression or MACP, assuming a career span of 30 years or more.”
(While it is ‘at least three levels’, it clearly makes that there is possibility of more than three level traversing in pay matrix even as per MACP.)
These above all points are preceding to the original recommendation on MACP in para 5.1.44 and 5.1.45 only.
Para 5.1.44…..”In the new Pay matrix, the employees will move to the immediate next level in the hierarchy. Fixation of pay will follow the same principle as that for a regular promotion in the pay matrix”
(Here also it clearly stipulates ‘in the hierarchy’ and this ‘level’ is defined already as ‘functional role in the hierarchy’)
As the above recommendation is accepted by the Govt and notified through the Extra ordinary Gazzette dt 25/7/16, the the DoPTs order on MACP is totally a cheating one only. (the bureaucrats in the UDM and head of CPWD had also interpreted it in the promotional hierarchy only)
Now also, fact remains that almost 85% JEs in CPWD are forced to retire from service with just one promotion in the 38+ year service. Under the new scheme, one will not reach to the pay level of the second promotion under MACP, whereas it was available after 24 years under ACP!
The MACP, brought into the system with the argument of uniform progression, rather brought more disparity only. It had defeated the very purpose of safety net to employees lacking functional promotion. On the other hand, it brought benefit to the people already got promotions and loss to the ones languished in acute stagnation. The JEs of CPWD, which used to get GP 6600 ( level 11) after 24 years in ACP had left out with GP 4800 ( level 8) after 20 years and GP 5400 ( level 9) after MACP!
While acknowledging the effort of the National JCM in the anomaly committee earlier, leaving this issue by them in half way, without any solution was beyond the understanding of all.
Under these circumstances, If the National JCM leaders does not prevail upon the Govt, to get this order changed in favour employees in the hierarchy of functional role only, it will be quite unfortunate and will prove the allegations against few of them as correct. Hence, it is once again urged upon them to take up the issue of MACP in the hierarchy in true spirit also as it is their moral responsibility. If they further colluding with the Govts’ clever designs by showing lukewarm response, only God can save the Govt employees and no need of National JCM to represent Govt employees.!
– Babu O V, Mumbai
Why Dr.M.Raghavaiah conveniently forgot to rake up the main issue ?
Has he been purchased by the Govt?
Who has given him permission to sell all the central Govt Employees?
This is high time that all these useless oldies should be shunted out of their positions in JCM.
The seventh CPC had recommended and the Govt had accepted the MACP in promotional hirerarchy ofcourse with rider of very good APAR.
But the Babus in the DoPT made U-turn and changed the very wordings from “level in the hirearchy ” to level in the pay matrix.
But the old man Dr.M.Raghavaiah has conveniently forgot that and asking for change of bench mark in APAR from very good to only good.
Nobody is there to slap him on his face??????