Cadre review of ‘B’, ‘C’ and erstwhile ‘D’ Groups – DOPT ORDER F. No. I. 11019/4/2021-CRD – Dated 17.03.2021
F. No. I. 11019/4/2021-CRD
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Cadre Review Division)
3 Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003.
Dated 17 March, 2021.
Subject: Cadre review of ‘B’, ‘C’ and erstwhile ‘D’ Groups- regarding.
Department of Personnel & Training is the nodal department for personnel policies. While the responsibility for laying down standards in Cadre Management along with cordinations, rests with this Department, it is primarily the responsibility of the Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) to undertake the Cadre Management of the Services/cadres under their control.
2. One of the important functions of DoPT is the periodic review of cadre structure of Group ‘A’ Central Services. The ideal periodicity of cadre review is 5 years. However, the function of review of the Group ‘B’/‘C’ and erstwhile ‘D’ was delegated by DoPT vide OM No. 2/1/1987 dated 23.11.1987 to the respective CCA with prescribed guidelines (copy enclosed).
3. In order to streamline the cadre review within the stipulated period, and for facilitating the pending cadre reviews, a Calendar for cadre review of Central Group ‘A’ Services was issued on 12.02.2021. Besides adhering to the prescribed timeline for Group ‘A’ Central Services, CCAs are also requested to undertake timely cadre review of Group “B’ and ‘C” cadres, wherever due, as per the existing guidelines, in consultation with Department of Expenditure.
4. An action taken report/status report of the cadre review(s) under the Ministry/Department may kindly be forwarded to this Department by 30.04.2021.
Encl: As above
(Randhir Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India