HomeKendriya VidyalayasKV Annual Transfer 2018 - Invitation of Online Transfer Applications from Teaching employees

KV Annual Transfer 2018 – Invitation of Online Transfer Applications from Teaching employees

KV Annual Transfer 2018 – Invitation of Online Transfer Applications from Teaching employees upto PGT and Non-teaching employees upto Assistant Section Officer for consideration of Annual Transfer 2018

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18. Institutional Area Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
New Delhi-110016
Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.in



Dated: 25.05.2018

The Deputy Commissioner / Director,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
Regional Offices/ZIETs

Subject: Invitation of Online Transfer Applications from Teaching employees upto PGT and Non-teaching employees upto Assistant Section Officer for consideration of Annual Transfer 2018 – reg.


With regard to the subject cited above, KVS hereby invites transfer applications from the employees of KVS for Annual Transfer 2018 as per the schedule enclosed herewith. In this context following points are to be taken into care of:

1. As per the User Manual meant for the Principal and other Controlling Officers, he/she has to click on the link ‘KVS Online Transfer Application 2018″ available on KVS website i.e. www.kvsangathan.nic.in on the Principal login. Thereafter, he/she will click on ‘Register’ and fill all the necessary entries to get registered. On successful registration, he/she will get login credentials on his/her registered email-ID. He/she can login into the portal again with this new password received from e-mail. He/she is required to fill details of all employees working in their Vidyalaya/office by clicking on the option ‘Add employee’ and then add employee one by one to generate their individual passwords. For the employees, User ID shall be exclusively their employee code mentioned in the list of employee codes supplied by the KVS (HQ).

2. KVS is sending an email which contains transfer guidelines 2018, calendar of activities for annual transfer 2018, printable format of transfer application, user manuals for Principal and employees for their ready reference. Principal must forward this email to all employees. Since, most of the Vidyalayas are closed due to summer vacation at this time, therefore, it is the duty of the Principal/controlling officer to inform in writing/email and as also verbally the employees to fill their transfer applications and communicate them their User ID and passwords mandatorily and keep a record of the same communication -for further reference. However, all instructions required to fill the transfer application form are also available on the transfer portal.

Also Read : KV Annual Transfer 2018-19 – Calendar of Activities

3. Employees are at liberty to fill their transfer application online form from any location but time schedule should be strictly followed. Nobody shall be allowed to submit his/her application after due date. All Controlling Officers/employees are requested to go through the KVS Transfer Guidelines 2018 before starting the process of filling the online transfer application.

4. Principals/controlling officers are required to start verification of transfer application form at their end as soon as they start to receive transfer applications on their dashboard. Each and every entry in the transfer form should be carefully examined and verified from the service records of the employees. The Controlling officers are required to tick (V) the ‘Mandatory Declaration’ by the Principal/controlling officer given on the last page of the transfer application. If, later on, it is found that undue benefit has been allowed to an employee or due benefit has been neglected then the responsibility lies with the controlling officer and KVS will take disciplinary action against such defaulters. The Controlling Officer will save a copy of transfer application form of the employee after approving it and send this copy to employee for his/her information. No request for any change in transfer application or correction/cancellation shall be entertained by the KVS (HQ). The individual concerned and Controlling Officer should exercise utmost caution and vigilance while filling/approving the transfer application. All disputes/issues raised by the employees shall be settled by the Controlling Officer before approving his/her transfer application. Transfer Counts and Displacement Counts of every. employee should be ,carefully checked and calculated by the controlling officer before approving the transfer application form. Once transfer application form is approved by the controlling officer after that no editing/modification shall be allowed and the form will be changed into Read-Only after approval.

5. In case of those employees who are on long leave or out of country and not able to fill their transfer application, in such a situation Principal/controlling officer shall fill the Part A and B (Mandatory Part) of the Transfer application except para 10(A), (B), (C) and 11 of Part A. Every employee who is on the roll of KVS as on date shall fill this online transfer application form, but Part (C) which deals with the Request Transfer are to be filled only by those employees who are eligible to apply for the request transfer in 2018 as per KVS transfer guidelines.

6. This year, practice of uploading Medical Certificate/Spouse Declaration/Children Disability Certificate and Undertaking for Exemption from displacement on the basis of child studying in board class i.e. Xth and XIIth alongwith the transfer application form being submitted online has been discontinued. Employees are required to give information in the transfer application form regarding these fields. Original certificates shall be submitted to the Principal and he/she will verify and retain the same in their office after allowing the benefits to the employees. No any certificate shall be uploaded alongwith the transfer application form by the employee.

7. Tentative vacancies have been uploaded on the KVS website for the reference of users but it must be noted by them that these vacancies are tentative and may change at any time without any prior intimation. Transfers orders are normally generated on the basis of the vacancies existing on the date of issue of transfer orders.

8. Every Regional Office will depute an Asstt. Commissioner/any other suitable official as a liaison officer for annual transfer process 2018 and his/her name, designation, mobile no. and email ID has to be circulated to all Vidyalayas in the region for any assistance and the same should be forwarded to KVS HQ also.

Deputy Commissioners are requested to monitor the process of filling online transfer applications on day to day basis in r/o of their respective regions and issue the necessary directions to the Vidyalayas in this regard if required.

A link to access the Transfer Portal for filling online transfer application is available on the homepage of the website of KVS (HQ) i.e. www.kvsangathan.nic.in and will be activated w.e.f. 28.05.2018. Any correspondence with regard to the annual transfer process 2018 should be made on e-mail ID – kvsannualtransfer2018@gmail.com only.

Yours faithfully,

(U.N. Khaware)
Additional Commissioner (Admn.)


1. KVS Transfer Guidelines 2018.
2. Calendar of activities for annual transfer 2018.
3. Printable format of transfer application.
4. User Manuals for Principal and employees.
5. Subject Codes and Post Codes.
6. List of Zone Codes, Region Codes, Station Codes and KV Codes.

Signed Copy



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