PCDA Circular 567 – Revision of Enhanced Rate of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Pensioners
Office of the Principal CDA(Pensions)
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad – 211014
Circular No. 567
Dated: 16.09.2016
Subject : Revision of Enhanced Rate of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Pensioners.
Reference: This office Circular No. 494 dated 19.03.2013 and Circular No. 397 dated 18.11.2008.
A copy of GOI, MOD letter No. 1(14)/2012-D(Pen/Pol) dated 14th June, 2016 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which is self explanatory.
2. As per above GOI, MOD letter Dated 14th June, 2016, the minimum guaranteed enhanced Rate of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of eligible family of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Pensioners shall be revised w.e.f. 01.01.2006 on the basis of the minimum of fitment table for the rank in the revised pay band as indicated under fitment tables annexed with SAI 1/S/2008, SAI 2/S/2008 & SAI 4/S/2008 as amended and equivalent instructions for Navy and Air Force. The revised consolidated enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 (consolidated as per Para-4 of GOI, MOD letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008) in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Forces Family Pensioners shall not be less than 50% of the minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay band. In case, where full revised pension is otherwise not authorized to a retired employee in terms of 6th CPC orders, the enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension shall also be restricted to that amount. The amount of revised enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension in no case shall be less than thirty percent of the minimum of the fitment table for the Rank or thirty percent of the minimum of fitment table in case of HAG and above.
3. However, in case of consolidated enhanced rate of Ordinary Family Pension calculated as per Para- 4.1 of GOI, MOD letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 11.11.2008 is higher than the family pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the higher rate shall be continued.
4. Table showing minimum of the fitment table for the rank in the revised pay band corresponding to the pre-revised scale, from which the pensioner/ deceased Government servant had retired/ died, is enclosed herewith as Annexure ‘A’ to ‘F’ to facilitate the Pension Disbursing Agencies for payment of revised Enhanced Ordinary Family Pension in terms of GOI, MOD letter dated 14th June, 2016.
5. In all cases, where fixation of enhanced rate of family pension in terms of above GOI, MOD letter is more beneficial, the Pension Disbursing Agencies are hereby advised to pay revised rate of enhanced Ordinary Family Pension accordingly. All other terms and condition shall remain unchanged. However, if the Pension Disbursing Agencies are in any doubt about the fixation of enhanced rate of family pension, such cases may be referred to concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities with full details.
6. The provisions of this letter shall take effect from 01.01.2006 and arrears, if any, shall be allowed from 01.01.2006 up to 23.09.2012.
7. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for dissemination to all alongwith Defence pensioners and Pension Disbursing Agencies.
(C. B. Yadav)
Dy.Controller (P)
Revised Pay Structure for Army (PBORs) – Annexure A
Revised Pay structure for Junior Commissioned Officers of Air Force (PBORs) – Annexure B
Revised Pay structure for Navy (PBOR) – Sailors – Annexure C
Revised Pay structure under 6th CPC for Commissioned Officers – Annexure D
Revised Pay structure for Commissioned Officers for AMC, ADC, RVC & Air Force & Navy – Annexure E
Revised Pay structure for Commissioned Officers for MNS Officers – Annexure F
PCDA Circular 567 Original Copy
whether it is applicable to pers retired between 01.01.2006 to 23.09.2012
At PCDA circular no.567 para 6 it should be amended that 1.1.2006 upto 30.6.2014 in place of 1.1.2006 to 23.9.2012. Please look into the point.
Hi Utpal,
As per the order it should be “The provisions of this letter shall take effect from 01.01.2006 and arrears, if any,
shall be allowed from 01.01.2006 up to 23.09.2012.”
Thanks for your comments