Saraswat Bank, the largest Urban Co-operative Bank in India, has a network of 200 fully computerised branches on CBS platform located in six states i.e. Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Delhi. The total business of the Bank has crossed over Rs.22,000 crore as on today with zero percent net NPA. The Bank is now looking for energetic and dynamic candidates, residing in Mumbai and Pune only and fulfilling the following eligibility norms for recruitment as CLERKS – (MARKETING & OPERATIONS):
Post :
Clerk – (Marketing & Operations) Vacancies – approx.200
Age : Between 18 years to 27 years as on 1st April, 2010.
Educational Qualification :
B.Com. (First Class) with minimum 60% marks from a recognised University.
Candidates appearing for final year B.Com exams and expecting first class with minimum 60% marks will be allowed to apply provisionally.
Proficiency in computer operations is a must.
The eligible candidates will have to qualify in the written test and group discussions/interview. The written test will comprise of Test of Reasoning, English Language, Numerical Ability and Clerical Aptitude.
Pay Scale : Six Months consolidated salary of Rs.9,500/- p.m. After confirmation, the post will carry gross emoluments of around Rs.1.43 lakhs per annum and other benefits, as admissible under the relevant grade.
Interested candidates fulfilling the above eligibility criteria may send their applications with complete details (in the formats available by clicking the option given below) in a sealed envelope superscribing“Application for the post of Clerk – (Marketing and Operations)” alongwith a demand draft of Rs.200/- in favour of “The Saraswat Co-op.Bank Ltd., Mumbai” as application fee within five days to Mrs. Pearl R. Varghese, Asst. General Manager (HRD), The Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd., (Scheduled Bank), “Madhushree” Plot No.85, Sector 17, District Business Centre, 2nd Floor, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 703.
How can apply for clerk job complete my bcom
Pls reply my msg
How can apply for clerk job complete my bcom
Can tybcom appeared student apply for d post of clerk.
Yashwant Harmalkar