Central Railway’s “Rail Parivar Dekh-Rekh Muhim” covers now 2 lakh persons
Ever since Central Railway launched ‘Rail Parivar Dekh-Rekh Muhim’ to alleviate the concerns of employees and their families during these uncertain times, more than a week ago, Central Railway has crossed the number of 2 lakh including railway employees and their family members.The idea has been appreciated by Railway Board and adopted all over other Railways. The main idea is to be in regular contact with all the railway employees of Central Railway, keeping a record of their health status (including their family members), providing adequate support during the lockdown period.
Shri Sanjeev Mittal, General Manager, Central Railway said that this campaign will be further enriched to higher levels of cooperative support in the ongoing fight against the COVID19 pandemic and instil solidarity amongst the Railway employees. The role of Human Resource Department which has coordinated with other departments for this initiative is worth mentioning.
Dr. A.K. Sinha, Principal Chief Personnel Officer, Central Railway said that a message has been sent to all the Railway staff and officers to maintain a Contact Dairy in which before they go to sleep, they are supposed to list down the names and details of people they have met during the day to help track contacts if someone turns COVID positive.
He also said the resourcefulness of Divisional Railway Managers of all the divisions of Central Railway have made it possible to reach the figure of 2 lakh.
Every employee has been contacted and mapped location wise so that in case of an emergency, help can reach them quickly. This one-to-one contact program enabled CR to get the ‘Arogya Setu App’ downloaded by almost all the employees and additional 50,000 pensioners as on date as well. Families of employees have been counselled that frontline staff will be required to keep the essential services running and that the administration is with them to take care of their needs. All the information on personal protection and measures to contain the spread of COVID are being shared with all the employees and their families.
Colony Care Committees have been activated and other local committees have been formed with the help of employees / Union Members and these are taking care of employee’s day to day needs during the lock down. Various cooperative societies of our Railways have been activated and colony wise duty has been assigned to nominated members for provision of groceries etc.
As on date:
- Headquarters – Total staff 17,295 – 16,485 downloaded + 16,572 family members
- Mumbai Division – Total staff 31,907 – 30,019 downloaded + 44,061 family members
- Nagpur division – Total staff 15,750 – 14,052 downloaded + 14,154 family members
- Bhusaval division–Total staff 16,026 – 13,846 downloaded + 10,401 family members
- Pune division – Total staff 9,210 – 8,914 downloaded + 11,241 family members
- Solapur division – Total staff 10,148 – 9,388 downloaded + 12,309 family members
- Total = Staff 1,00,336 – 92,704 downloaded + 1,08,738 family members.
This is also being extended to the contractual staff and allied workers
Source : https://cr.indianrailways.gov.in/